We are counting down the days until we fly to UK on November 2nd. We will be on furlough and also welcoming our baby boy in early January. We have answered prayers from our last news letter - some friends kindly offered to look after our cat, and we also hopefully have house-sitters for part of our time away. We are currently working from home and self-isolating for a couple weeks ahead of the pre-flight Covid tests we all have to take on November 1st in order to fly.
For the past 5 years the time we have spent out of Cambodia has been short and fast paced, lots of fun, but not very restful. This time we realize we need a longer break and some quieter time to rest, process, and re-focus. We also want to spend lots of quality time with our families having not seen them for a long time. In England we will be staying with Emma's parents in Herefordshire. We will be in London for 10 days at the end of November where we will be sharing at our UK Home Church 'St James Muswell Hill' on November 21st. During our trip we will try not to travel very much, but we look forward to seeing friends and family in Herefordshire and London. Baby K is due at the very end of the year or early 2022, we are all very excited to meet him.
Once we have a passport for our baby and feel ready to travel we will fly to the USA. Our first stop will be North Carolina, to stay with Michael's Dad, then on to Redding, California to see Michael's family and our US Home Church family. As we will have a small baby and a toddler we will be keeping things pretty low key again and not planning to travel around a lot, but we do hope that we will get to see lots of friends and family during our time in N.Carolina and California.
We expect that we will return to Cambodia in the spring.

29 Weeks Pregnant and all looks good!
A few people have kindly asked us if we need anything for the baby, or if we will be having a baby shower. We have made some Amazon baby wish-lists (one Amazon UK and one Amazon USA) with a few things we would really appreciate having for baby K. We will be travelling around when he is little and have most of what we need once we return home to Cambodia, so the lists are quite simple. Alternatively Amazon gift vouchers would also be very useful. Thank you so much!!

Century 9 Staff Retreat Update
We just finished leading our C9 crew through The Alpha Course, an 11 week course that explains the basics of Christianity and opens up lots of opportunities for deep discussions and questions. Emma gave her life to Jesus 15 years ago during an Alpha course, so it was exciting for us to co-lead our guys through this course. As part of Alpha we lead a retreat near the Cambodian coast. We had so much fun, silence, solitude, time with the Lord, fun games, an assault course, and s'mores. But best of all 2 of our guys gave their lives to Jesus and several others made a re-commitment to their faith. 2 guys also chose to get baptized! Praise God!! It was such an exciting gift to be sharing this part of their journey.
Thank you to each person who gave money to make the retreat possible. You sowed into some beautiful lives and we are so expectant of how God is going to use each of these 9 young men.